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Charlene Richardson

The Problem with Youth Sports

When did Ice hockey become a summer sport that starts in August and goes until March for a 6 YEAR OLD?! (Pretty sure training camp for the NHL really doesn’t start by this point).

This $h*t shouldn’t be starting at this age! Let "kids be kids" and continue to play sports, have free play/street ball and figure out what they love. Stop making it hard to play other sports throughout the year. (Stick to the damn season it was meant to be).

Go ask every professional athlete (oh yeah and don’t forget that is 1% of the population) at what point did they specialize?!

Why does year round sports and specialization at such a young age make me mad?!

  • Specializing in a single sport can be detrimental to a child’s development.

  • Athletes who specialize are more prone to developing overuse injuries. The Journal of Sport Rehabilitation found that athletes who specialized were 50% more likely to develop patellofemoral pain, and four times more likely to develop patellar tendinopathy or Osgood Schlatter disease. Due to the absence of variety, there is repetitive load stress on the skeleton.

Shoot, how many baseball pitchers who not only specialize early, play for multiple teams and have elbow or shoulder injuries? (Who's tracking the pitch count)?

I've noticed more athletes at ANCHOR with knee, back, and shoulder injuries in recent years. And that's without even addressing the lack of proper warm-ups, strength training, mobility work, or the impact of electronics, social media, and poor posture.

  • Loss of love for the game. How many athletes do you know that by high school they quit?

What happened to going outside on a Friday night to play tag, roller hockey, or capture the flag? These days, there are games, practices, and tournaments every day of the week and there is no opportunity for fun pick up games.

I'm curious… anyone else upset that this is happening?!

—> If you are interested in helping your athlete increase speed, improve strength, gain confidence with a lifelong activity, NOW is the time to join our fall sport performance block. Learn the fundamentals of movement that will be essential for overall health for life!

In Strength,


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