Happy Friday!
If you are traveling or need to switch up your workouts at home, here is a general template to follow. Give it a try and let me know how it goes.
GENERAL WARM-UP: (5 Minutes)
Cardio (Walk, Run, Jump Rope, Rower, Bike)
SPECIFIC WARM-UP: (About 8-10 minutes)
This is where I like to focus on any corrective exercises, core work, and patterning for the main lift.
Corrective Exercise Example:
Poor Shoulder Mobility: Indian Clubs x 20
Core Work: Plank, Deadbugs
Patterning: If my main lift is a squat:
10 Face the Wall Squats
10 Bodyweight Squats
10 Goblet Squats
x1-3 Rounds
PRACTICE: (10-15 Minutes)
Squat: Sets/Reps and variation of the squat will depend on goals. Currently, I am working through a strength phase and using 5x5 (Sets X Reps) on Front Squats.
If I am doing 5x5 or higher reps, I will generally pair this with a second movement. For example: Swings, Push-ups or Pull-ups. I will rest for about 1 minute to 90 seconds. Then back to the squats.
ACCESSORY (10 Minutes)
This will usually be 1-3 movements for 3 sets to support the main movement. Using the above squat example, here are some examples.
A1: Reverse Lunges x 10 L/R
A2: Wall Sit Hold x 3 Minutes
A3: Single Arm Row x 10 L/R
x 3 Rounds
BREATHING: (10 Minutes)
This could be anything from intervals on the rower to the kettlebell snatch test. You could go for a run.
STRETCH: (5 Minutes)
Foam roll, Brettzel Stretch and Frog Stretch are my "go-to"
Send an email!
In Strength,